Wednesday 25 January 2023

Maplecross and Dyers Bay - Hike 49

I was up for another 2 day visit to the Bruce Peninsula to both visit my son and hike the Bruce Trail.

Evan joined me for the first day, parking a car at the end and driving to the start around Cape Chin South. We hiked out around Cape Chin and the recently acquired MapleCross Property. Previously privately owned, the property near Cape Chin, the owner's old house still sits high on the escarpment abandoned and a bit spooky. Beyond that the trail follows up on and below the escarpment with the usual incredible views.

My second day of hiking was alone but again my son followed me to park my car at the end and then drive me to the start. I finished just north of Dyers Bay at the 117.1km mark.

Photos from the 2 day hike.

Completed: 842.5km

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