Wednesday 18 June 2014

Limehouse - Hike 19

Headed out on a Sunday for my next hike from Speyside to Limehouse. It was another beautiful day!

The trail followed 15 Sideroad east past Speyside and turned north into the woods at the 11.9km mark of the Toronto section of the trail. The next 4 to 5km was through some very nice woodland areas as you can see in the following pictures.

From the 17.1km mark through to the 19.2km mark the trail followed edges of open farmers fields until the trail hits Fifth Line. After a short walk north on Fifth Line, the trail turned east into Limehouse Conservation Area. Initially the walk was through some nice wooded areas but at the 19.7km mark it followed the edge of the escarpment with some incredible rock formations and crevices as seen in the following pictures.

Here are pictures as you descend the escarpment through the famous "Hole in the Wall".


Research told me that this area was originally known as "The Rock" and then "Fountain Green" and eventually "Limehouse" due the abundance of limestone and the lime industry. In 1880 the lime production industry employed at least 100 men over 3 shifts producing 75,000 bushels of lime per year using 6 lime kilns. As you walk through the conservation area you see many relics of the lime production industry including various styles of lime kilns and storage facilities. The skilled "kilnsman" as they were known, were craftsman as far as what temperature, wood for fuel and atmosphere produced the best lime. The following picture are of some of these relics including the Powder Magazine (for explosives), a Set Kiln, a stone bridge and one of the "Draw Kilns" that is being restored. These draw kilns worked on the same principle as a blast furnace and were made of limestone, sandstone and steel and wood tie rods for stability.



Supporting the lime industry, the Toronto Suburban "Radial" Railway was opened in 1912 where the modern tracks are today. Once out of the Conservation Area, you arrive at the village of Limehouse with a very picturesque little church.

I finished my hike at the 21.3km mark on the trail. I called a taxi to pick me up and take me back to my car.
Another wonderful hike!
Completed: 223.0km

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